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Contact information

A view of the Tannefors waterfall on the Kinda Canal at night. The waterfall is lit up by spotlights, creating a dramatic effect. The waterfall is surrounded by trees and vegetation, and the sky is dark and starry.A view of the Tannefors waterfall on the Kinda Canal at night. The waterfall is lit up by spotlights, creating a dramatic effect. The waterfall is surrounded by trees and vegetation, and the sky is dark and starry.

Do you need to contact someone regarding Kinda Canal? Here you will find contact information for AB Kinda Canal, phone numbers for the different locks, and other useful contacts.


Södra Stånggatan 1
Box 1017
581 10 Linköping, Sweden

Telephone: +46 (0)13 12 68 80
Email: info@kindakanal.se
Workshop: +46 (0)70 647 37 00


Lena Fältros
Email: lena@kindakanal.se

Booking of locks during the pre- and post-season

Telephone: +46 (0)70 647 37 00
Email: kanalverkstad@kindakanal.se

Direct numbers for the lock keeper during the high season

Nykvarn: +46 (0)70 647 37 05
Tannefors: +46 (0)70 647 37 08
Hackefors/Hjulsbro: +46 (0)70 647 37 11
Slattefors/Sturefors: +46 (0)70 647 37 16
Hamra: +46 (0)70 647 37 25
Hovetorp: +46 (0)70 521 55 50
Brokind: +46 70 647 37 51

Contact information for some of our friends


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