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Cruising on the Kinda Canal: FAQ

Where are the guest harbours located? What is the maximum size allowed for my boat to be able to navigate the canal? What speed limit applies to boating? We provide you with answers to all the practical questions you may have before your boat trip along the Kinda Canal.

What more would you like to know about Kinda Canal?

What more would you like to know about Kinda Canal? Feel free to reach out to us with suggestions for additional information that you believe would be valuable to know about our beautiful canal. Send your suggestions to:

Discover kindakanal.se

On kindakanal.se you will find everything you need to plan a canal vacation that will leave you with lasting memories.


Visit Linköping & Co logotyp  Linköpings kommun logotyp  Kinda kommun logotyp  Region Östergötland logotyp